Thursday, September 30, 2010

Acts Ch 4

Acts chapter 4 is full of boldness and courage. Peter and John are arrested. The rulers of the day place them on trial. The rulers try to keep Jesus' apostles from proclaming His name. They all pray for boldness. Everyone begins to share their posessions.
It's a great chapter to remind yourself that non believers are against us and God can take us anywhere.

Questions from Leaders

1. Why did Peter and John get arrested?
2. Who did Peter and John give credit to healing the lame man?
3. How many people came to know Christ after they saw the lame mane healed?
4. Were Peter and John trained? What were they filled with?
5. What power did Peter and John have?
6. What is a cornerstone? Who is the cornerstone they are speaking of?
7. What is the main idea of this chapter?
8. How can we become Acts 1:8 kids?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Acts Ch. 3

This week we will be studying Acts chapter 2. This chapter is an amazing story about a man who has never walked in his life, begging every day for food, or money just to stay alive. Peter and John come across this man on their way to pray. They don't give him food, or money, but they do give him something much better.
Something to remember about this passage is that Peter and John never take credit. They know that it wasn't their power that enabled this man to walk.

1. Who enabled this man to walk?
2. Why did Peter and John heal this man?
3. Why was the crowd filled with awe and amazement?
4. What does Peter do immediately after the people gather?
5. How would you react if someone you knew started walking today.
6. How many people do you think came to Christ that day?
7. With Jesus gone do you think the Apostles are doing a good job?
8. How can you be an Acts 1:8 kid?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Acts Ch. 2

We've been reading Acts chapter 2 over and over this week. We want to be able to discuss all of Acts chapter 2, but we think it would take three weeks or more. We've broken down chapter 2 into two parts kids can understand. First we will read verses 1-4 and then verses 37-47. We hope we have time for it all. 1-4 discusses the coming of the Holy Spirit and 37-47 reveals how to receive the Holy Spirit as well as how the church started to grow. There are other important verses in Acts, but these we feel are the most relevant to children.

1. What did it look/feel like when the Holy Spirit first came?
2. How can you receive the Holy Spirit?
3. What does your church do every week?
4. What did this church do everyday?
5. How can we look like this church?
6. What would Fresno look like if ever church in the valley was an Acts chapter 2 church?
7. How can we be more like Acts 1-1:8 kids?

The new 6th grade leaders met for the first time this year on Monday. Our new leaders are Noah, Jake, Alex, Trent, Tanner, Elijah, Emily, Lauren, and Kelsey. These kids are looking forward to putting in time and effort to make FCA the best this year. They will start reading scripture, analyzing scripture, discussing scripture, coming up with questions for FCA, Reading the passages out loud at FCA, leading children in prayer, planning FCA missions, and inviting and witnessing to other children at Riverview. I'm looking forward to what God will accomplish in them.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Acts Ch. 1

We are reading through the book of Acts this year. All 28 chapters of church history and missionary activity. Because most chapters are long and we only have minutes to read and discuss I will narrow each chapter down to what the leaders and myself feel are most appropriate to young Christians.

In chapter 1, Luke, the author writes the theme to the book. Acts 1:8- But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witness in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This theme is key to living a Christian life. We must live like Jesus says and spread the word in Clovis, Fresno, the Central Valley, and all of the world.
For today's lesson we will focus on this verse as well as Jesus ascending into heaven and prayer time with the disciples. We will not focus of the disciples picking the new disciple because Judas is gone. This information is important, but we don't have time to explain everything.

1. What is baptism?
2. What is the Holy Spirit? Yea, I know, two knock out punch questions to start!
3. What does Jesus mean when He says it is not for you to know the time?
4. What does Acts 1:8 mean to you?
5. What do you notice happens after they hear this important information from Jesus?
6. What should you do after hearing this important information?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Treats for FCA

If your son or daughter attends FCA on a regular basis please consider bring treats. We have several parents who bring treats on a regular basis which is awesome, but it can get costly. I would appreciate any help with treats. If you can help please e-mail Mrs. Frisby. Her e-mail address is

Thanks a ton for your help. This year is going to be great. BTW we are reading through the book of Acts this year. Should be exciting!!!