Sunday, December 13, 2009

Matthew Chapter 9

Sorry for being so late on my questions. Just busy with the baby. Here are some questions you can answer on your own for chapter 9 in the book of Matthew.
1. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Which is easier: to say, your sins are forgiven, or to say get up and walk?
2. Why was Jesus sitting with the tax collector and sinners?
3. Jesus came to call the sinner and not the righteous. Then who did Jesus come to save?
4. This isn't a question, more of a statement. Jesus can heal anyone. You have to ask... Pray
5. If you saw someone who was blind and the one day could see, what reaction would you have.
6. Jesus say, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Who are these workers Jesus needs? Can you be a worker for Jesus? Do you know how to become a worker? Do you know what it takes to be a worker?

I just want to remind everyone that we are in need of donations for Susan B. Anthony Elementary. We are helping the school out by purchasing supplies for ever kid in the school. Please send any donations to Mr. Alfaro.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

FCA Adopts a class for Christams

We are adopting a classroom from Susan B. Anthony school in Fresno. This is the same area which our last two families we adopted came from. This will be a great opportunity to give classroom supplies to kids who really need them for the rest of the school year. I will be speaking to the classroom teacher later today to find out their needs. We will start taking donations this week at FCA. Thank you for your help. This will be a great opportunity to give back to our community. See you at FCA. We are reading Matthew Ch. 8 if you wan to read ahead.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

No FCA this week

NO FCA because of the breakfast going on Friday morning. When you attend the breakfast make sure to spread the good news about Christ and invite kids to FCA for next week. Make sure we are doing our part as good Christians and sharing God's good news.

Matthew Ch.6

Matthew Chapter 6 was awesome. The 6th graders really hit a home run on their questions and summaries. Great job 6th grade leaders. Unfortunately they never turned their questions into me. So, with that said, read chapter 6 again and bring me some questions you have. Have fun reading chapter 6.

Monday, October 26, 2009

NO FCA next Friday.... There is no school :)

November 6th we will pick up with Matthew Chapter 6. Please read Matthew chapter 5-7. These are super important chapters about major issues. Be ready to talk about Matthew Chapter 6 November 6th. See ya then and enjoy your Friday off. Read your Bible and Pray everyday.

Matthew Ch. 5 Questions

This is a chapter filled with super important information. This is the beginning of Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount. The FCA 6th grade leaders came up with some pretty important questions to review with your family.

1. What are the Beatitudes and why are they important?
2. What does Jesus mean by Christians being salt and light?
3. How can we be salt and light at Riverview?
4. What happens when salt loses it's taste?
5. Can we murder without killing someone?
6. Why should we tell the truth?
7. What is implied by, "Don't swear by your head because you can't make a single hair white or black?"
8. Why should we be so generous with our possessions and time?
9. How many of you have enemies? Do you love them like Jesus loves you?
10. What does Jesus mean by the sun rises on the rightous and evil. And it rains on the rightous and unrighteous?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

FCA will be in room 22 on October 23

Matthew Chapter 4

Chapter 4 is full of important information. The chapter starts off with Jesus fasting for 40 days and nights, the devil tempting Jesus 3 times while Jesus quotes scripture all 3 times. We are also introduced to 4 of the first disciples. Here are some questions that the FCA team leaders came up with.

1. What is fasting? Why did Jesus fast? Why should we fast?
2. Why did the Devil want to tempt Jesus?
3. Have you ever been tempted?
4. What are the 3 verses Jesus says to push the Devil away?
5. How can we stop from being tempted?
6. How did Peter, Andrew, James, and John react when Jesus asked them to follow Him?
7. What was Jesus doing throughout the land of Galilee?

Saturday, October 3, 2009


No FCA next Friday because of Donuts with Dad. We don't want you to miss out on a great opportunity to have some fun with your father. Have a great week. And please read and read and read your Bible. We are currently reading Matthew 4. And write at least one prayer in your prayer journal.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Matthew Chapter 3 Questions

Wow, what a great chapter. This chapter is filled with great information. We learn about John the Baptist, Pharisees, Repentance, and the Baptism of Jesus. Please be sure to go over these questions with your mom and dad. You can always reread scripture a million times. God loves to talk to us through His Bible.

1. What does it mean to repent?
2. What does it mean to be a brood of vipers? Is it a good thing?
3. What kind of person is John the Baptist?
4. Who are these Pharisees and what do they do?
5. What does it mean when John says that the axe is ready to strike the root of a tree that doesn't have fruit?
6. What does it look like to bare good fruit on us?
7. Why did John not want to baptise Jesus?
8. What is the importance behind baptism?
9. Why is this chapter in the Bible important?

Questions came from the FCA 6th grade leaders. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Matthew Chapter 2

Wow, what a lot of information in this great chapter. Wise men seek out Jesus, Herod looking to destroy Him, giving of gifts, Joseph fleeing with his family to Egypt, Herod killing the innocent, and Jesus moving to Nazareth.

Questions for Matthew Chapter 2
1. Who are these wise men?
2. Why did Herod secretly send the wise men to find Jesus?
3. What are the gifts given to Jesus and why are they important?
4. Why did Joseph, Marry, and Jesus leave Bethlehem?
5. What did Herod do that was so evil?
6. Were did Jesus' family go after Herod died and why?
7. What is the significance of this chapter in the Bible?
8. What can we learn about this chapter in the Bible?

Please write at least one pray in your pray journal this weekend and share them with your family.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jett Daniel Alfaro with Mommy!
I weighed 7 lbs. 12oz. and 21 in. 1/4 long. Oh, and I love to sleep, and eat, and poop.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Snacks

For the month of September the people bringing snacks are

9/11/09 = Rich Contreras

9/18/09 = KIndy Cummings

9/25/09 = Kristy Todd

Get your snack on and come to FCA!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A New Season of FCA

There are going to be some new changes this year in FCA.  First we are going to be meeting in the MPR or what I like to call the "New Worship Hall" :) We will continue to meet every Friday at 7:30.  Please be on time!  It is very important to be in the NWH by 7:30 because we have a limited amount of time to praise God by praying and reading His word.  Any teacher staff that is helping with FCA has to stop participating by 7:50.  This is a legal matter.  We can still be supervising in the hall, but cannot participate in a Godly activity.  I know that's crazy, but those are the rules.  If you notice 7:30 to 7:50 isn't the longest amount of time, so we have to use it wisely.  FCA will end at 8:00 before students start to eat their breakfast in the morning.  We will continue to provide a snack at the end which will be eaten in the NWH.  
I'm looking forward to this year.  Our two main areas FCA will focus on are prayer and understanding the entire book of Matthew.  We will be studying all areas of prayer.  For us to become "Pray Warriors" we need to bring a journal to school.  We will call it our pray journal.  This is very necessary for writing down prayers that you want to repeat, remember, understand, look back on, and help others with.  We will use our pray journals daily.  
Our FCA leaders will be reading Matthew a few steps ahead of everyone else.  Their job will be to run and support Team FCA by coming up with questions about each days readings, and specific pray requests.  They will plan main events and activities.  They are the heart and soul of FCA.  They run the show.  My job is to facilitate them into becoming outstanding FCA leaders. 
I hope you visit this website every week.  The FCA leaders will be working hard to come up with questions and a thought of the week which will be posted every Friday after our meeting.  By doing so you can become very involved with your child's Spiritual life.  Asking the same questions at dinner time or over the weekend is a great way to reiterate the Gospel.  This is a win-win for everyone.  
Thank you for visiting this site and my hope and pray is that your child will come to know Christ at a young age and to know Him well.  Thanks again for your support and prayers.  

Pray and Play 09

This was an awesome experience for everyone involved.  We prayed for our school, the students, sports teams, staff, friends, and family.  Then we played knock out, kickball, and capture the flag.  In between games we prayed some more.  This will be a definite repeat every year.  

Team FCA Looking Good

This is just some of the FCA team that made it all the way through the day of washing cars.  Thank you so much for your help and hard work.  Your dedication for showing Christ's love is amazing and the students of Riverview are loving every minute of FCA.  

Car Wash For Bikers 09 LOL!!!

We even had time to wash a few bikes.  Some how I think those bikers snuck their own rides through the line. 

Car Wash For Christ 09

Working hard for your hard for your money...that will go towards new Bibles.  :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Car Wash for Christ 08

This was our first Car Wash for Christ which raised $700 for Bibles. God is GREAT!!! And a clean car is cool too!