I'm looking forward to this year. Our two main areas FCA will focus on are prayer and understanding the entire book of Matthew. We will be studying all areas of prayer. For us to become "Pray Warriors" we need to bring a journal to school. We will call it our pray journal. This is very necessary for writing down prayers that you want to repeat, remember, understand, look back on, and help others with. We will use our pray journals daily.
Our FCA leaders will be reading Matthew a few steps ahead of everyone else. Their job will be to run and support Team FCA by coming up with questions about each days readings, and specific pray requests. They will plan main events and activities. They are the heart and soul of FCA. They run the show. My job is to facilitate them into becoming outstanding FCA leaders.
I hope you visit this website every week. The FCA leaders will be working hard to come up with questions and a thought of the week which will be posted every Friday after our meeting. By doing so you can become very involved with your child's Spiritual life. Asking the same questions at dinner time or over the weekend is a great way to reiterate the Gospel. This is a win-win for everyone.
Thank you for visiting this site and my hope and pray is that your child will come to know Christ at a young age and to know Him well. Thanks again for your support and prayers.