These chapters are very important part of the early church expansion. In chapter 6 the apostles need help and appoint 7 men to take care of the everyday needs of the people while the apostles continue to teach. They appoint 7 men, but one man stands out, Stephen. In chapter 7 Stephan gets his preaching on. He pretty much walks through the entire Old Testament trying to show the council how the OT points to the Christ. He does a great job, but also upsets everyone and in their anger start to stone Stephan. Stephan in his unreal pain cries out to Christ and asks for the people to not be punished. It's amazing. Great chapter. Just think about Acts 1:8, the apostles haven't gone out to spread the Good News. Now seems like a good time since you buddy just died doing the same thing you will be doing tomorrow. Lets see if they spread the Word to other parts of the earth.
1. Why were the seven chosen?
2. What has happened since the seven were chosen?
3. What is Stephan filled with?
4. What did Stephan preach in chapter 7?
5. Why did they take Stephan out of town to stone him?
6. Do you think Stephan did the right thing?
7. What would you say to Christ if people were stoning you to death?
8. Who was watching the stoning with a smile on his face?
9. How can you be an Acts 1:8 kid?