Zachery chose this passage because he likes how it keeps us focused on God, and not on anything else.
I lift my eyes to You, the One enthroned in heaven. Like a servant's eyes on His master's hand, like a servant girl's eyes on her mistress's hand, so our eyes are on the Lord our God until He shows us favor. Show us favor, Lord, show us favor, for we've had more than enough contempt. We've had more than enough scorn from the arrogant and contempt from the proud.
1. What does it mean to lift up your eyes to the Lord?
2. What does it mean by servants staying near their master?
3. Are we suppose to be like that?
4. How does God show us favor?
5. Has anyone been made fun of? If so what can you do about it?
6. Remember God is good, sometimes blessings are difficult, also, he doesn't grant wishes.