Monday, March 17, 2014

Summary of Ephesians

Ch 1
God intended for us to believe in Jesus Christ, His Son.  we would be redeemed through His blood and be forgiven of our sins.  Also, through Him we have the inheritance of eternal life.  When you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation- in Him when you believed- you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.  You can remember by what you say and what He does for you.  As we pray we get strength and wisdom form Him, He showed us His power in the Messiah.  The fullness and protection God gives us everyday of our lives.  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavens, in Christ

Ch 2
At one time we were all spiritually dead because of our sin, but God graciously made us alive through our trust in Him.  By His grace we have been saved through our faith.  We cannot do this on our own, God's grace and even our faith comes from God and had no hope apart from Him.  But, he has adopted us into His family.  Now He is not only our heavenly fathers, but other believers are also our brothers and sisters.  We are now all members of the household of God, bricks in the spiritual building with Jesus Christ being the cornerstone.  The building is being built into a holy temple, a dwelling place for God.

Ch 3
Paul is writing to show that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and members of the body of Christ.  Paul says not to lose heart for his hardship is for their glory.  So, be strengthened with power through His spirit so that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith in Him.

Ch 4
Paul talks about how we should act as a Christian, and reflect Him in our actions.  To take off the old self and repent and ask for forgiveness.  We walked as the gentiles, but the Lord took us to be apart of His kingdom.  He gave us the gift of eternal life, not to keep it to ourselves, but to talk and preach to non believers.  To get rid of all bitterness, anger, and wrath, insult, and slander.  These must be removed from us, along with all wickedness.  We need to be kind, and compassionate to one another, forgive each other, just as God forgave us.  So we may not be swayed in the temptations of the world, but stay strong int eh faith of the creator.

Ch 5
Paul says, "Rise o sleepers from the dead and Christ's light will shine on you." This means we were dead, but now we are alive in Christ.  Paul says to imitate God, but how can we imitate Him who created us? we must give up our life for Christ and become doers of the word and not of this world.  We have to share our faith and live, serve, invite, love, and pray in Christ's name.

Ch 6
Children honor and obey your parents with the promise of a long life in the land.  Work as though you are working for the Lord, not just when someone is noticing you.  Put on the full armor of God.
The belt of truth
The chest plate of righteousness
The sandals of readiness for the gospel of peace
The shield of faith to extinguish the evil one
The helmet of salvation
The sword of the spirit which is God's word
Pray always, pray for boldness, pray for each other.