Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Luke 1:39-56

Luke 1:39-56 NLT
1 What does haughty mean ?
2 How would you feel if the holy spirit jumped inside of you?
3. Is Mary literally a servant?
4What great things has he done for Mary?
5Why has Mary sung a song of praise?
6. How long would you have stayed with Elizabeth? Would you have stayed at all?

1 . It means you very proud of yourself and the opposite of humble .
2. Ask kids
3. No, Mary is a servant of God like all of us.
4.He has blessed Mary above all women and has blessed her son.
5. Because she is grateful for all God has done for her.
6.  Ask “audience”

Mary goes to visit Elizabeth, and Elizabeth is filled with the holy spirit.Mary was blessed above all other women and her son was also blessed. Mary sang a song of praise for the Lord. Mary then stayed with Elizabeth to comfort her.


Dear Jesus, thank you for bringing us all together this morning to worship you. I pray that we can have a great day, and have a great weekend. Please help us to do well at school, sports, and most importantly sharing your word. We want to say thank you to Mr. Beaty and Mrs. Drake for coming and leading worship every week. Good luck to the athletes that are competing against the Bud Rank Ravens. In Jesus name Amen!!